Tuesday, 26 March 2024

The Future of Flanders in Space

This is the text I wrote for the Flanders Technology and Innovation Closing Festival. It served as final scene of a Space Exhibition in Antwerp. Here is the full text.

We explore space because we are curious about what we will find. Travelling in space sometimes demands the utmost of what we can do: the lightest and strongest materials, the most powerful engines, the most sensitive instruments and, above all, the greatest imagination of the best minds.

Every journey changes a perspective. The space we travel to is also the space from which we emerged. With so many challenges we meet ourselves a little, but we also learn to love our Earth a little more. For example, the first trip to the moon brought the beauty of our Earth into focus. Countless satellites now image this beauty every day.

It is now time for the next step. Perhaps around the middle of this century, people will see the Earth disappear like a speck in the sky, only to land on another planet. The challenges will be enormous, not only for the crew. Thousands of people will work on it, also from here in Flanders. But we will get to know ourselves better again.

I refer to my blog: "Space Trends in 2022" and to my Dutch blog "Zie ons doen".

Picture: FTI Slotfestival March 2024©Wim Lahaye

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