63 Years ago on September 18
th, 1961, UN secretary-general
Dag Hammarskjöld died in a plane crash near Ndola in Zambia. The plane crash
happened in suspicious circumstances. The TV documentary “
Cold Case Hammarskjöld” sheds some light on these circumstances, but the truth
remains hidden in secret circles and may never be revealed. Whatever happened, Dag Hammarskjöld is a
person worth remembering because of his
integrity and his willingness to do the right thing. There is no doubt
about his good intentions. He surely wanted to bring peace and justice to the
people of central Africa.
His legacy also includes his writings. His book Vägmärken or
Markings reveals a vulnerable soul, willing to bring sacrifices for the greater
good of mankind. He was a man of great spirituality.
His death was predicting the misery central Africa would go
through in the years after and up until this day. May his remembrance be a
stimulus for bringing peace to this part of the world.
Beatus vir qui sperat in eo – Blessed is the man who
puts his hope in Him.
I also refer to my blog: Truth and Justice are not found through Alliances
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