Tuesday, 9 November 2021

To a Renewed Collegiality?

When you return to work after a long home office period, it could happen that your colleagues look nicer and friendlier than ever. In fact, if you are not careful, they might hug you and cuddle you to death.

Where did the old sharks remain? Did we assume too long that colleagues could not be nice to each other? It is clear that the long absence from office has created a new awareness. Yes, we may have missed our colleagues. When we return to office, we don't like the idea of immediate confrontation. It is as if we don't want to destroy the peacefulness of our empty offices. Perhaps the online diversity and inclusion sessions have made us think differently of our relationships with our colleagues.

Is this another naïve thought? Perhaps it is, but meanwhile, let us use the momentum and let us give this renewed collegiality a chance of becoming somewhat more sustainable.

Picture: shutterstock.com

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