Monday, 2 January 2017

Ode to Generosity

In this new year 2017, you may be looking for inspiration for a New Year's resolution.

In this blog, I would like to recommend Generosity. You may suspect me promoting something that is in my own interest. This may very well be the case, but in return for your 2017 generosity, I am making the same resolution. I will therefore write this resolution in the "we (us)" person.
  1. Let us be generous with money. Let us be generous with gifts and presents
  2. For the entrepreneurs, let us be generous with investments.
  3. Let us be generous with time and attention. Let us take time to listen.
  4. Let us be generous with our work and our devotion to work.
  5. Let us be generous with help and assistance. Let us find friends to help.
  6. Let us be generous with hospitality. Let us send out lots of invitations.
  7. Let us be generous with our knowledge and our wisdom. Let us be generous with questions.
  8. Let us be generous with ourselves, our internal state-of-minds. Let us be open about ourselves and let us shut up about others.
  9. Let us be generous with compliments, greetings, blessings and thank-you's.
  10. Let us be generous with social media likes and comments.

Have faith in the human spirit.
Have faith in your own spirit. 
Have faith in the spirit of your fellow human being.
And truly connect.

I refer to my earlier blog: "Generosity, the ultimate cure for a sick economy".

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